I can't believe I got nominated for this, seeing as I am quite a newbie in this inspiring, beautiful world of gifted writers, authors and poets. I really am honored Laura Hebbeln for granting me this nomination, thanks for believing in my style of writing and encouraging my devotion to it.
The Liebster Blog Award is for up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers, and getting nominated in this category tells a lot about the level of appreciation I'm getting from the Google plus community. Thanks once again Laura.
Here is the link to Laura Hebbeln's Blog (Diary of Laura): http://diaryoflaura20.blogspot.com/
These are the rules I'm to follow regarding my nomination:
1. Post 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions posted by the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 5 other bloggers with less than 200 followers for the award.
4. Create 11 new questions for your nominees.
5. Go to each bloggers site and let them know about the award.
6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to his/her blog.
1. My favorite Nigerian dish is Pounded Yam and Egusi Soup.
2. I have not seriously dated anyone new in the last 2 years, I just keep getting back with my exes. Weirdo! LOL!
3. I am a sucker for red wine.
4. My Nigerian celebrity crush is Chindinma. I know right?
5. I can't stand some of my extended family members. But I love them all the same. :-)
6. Good music is my favorite drug, I cannot go a day without listening to something.
7. I bite my nails when I'm alone or relatively in my comfort zone. Talk about a bad habit!
8. Please do not let a snake come near me, I will by all means kill it even if it were your pet.
9. I'm complicated, the only way you can figure me out is if I want you to.
10. My favorite movie is Armageddon, I still don't have the guts to stop watching it. But why should I anyways?
11. I am a perfect gentleman, the only time you see an outrageous reaction from me is when I'm backed into a corner.
1. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
That would be Pepsi.
2. What is your favorite magazine?
Don't have one; I read anything I come across.
3. Are you a dog or cat person?
I'm a dog person.
4. What are your hobbies?
Watching movies, Listening to music, Hanging out, Writing and Reading.
5. What do you do for a living?
I'm a Chemical Engineer, though I'd rather view myself as an entrepreneur.
6. What is your favorite genre of music?
7. What is your favorite board game?
Scrabble it is.
8. How many siblings do you have?
I've got three siblings; all guys.
9. Do you prefer showers or baths?
Showers definitely; I can't imagine doing baths all by myself.
10. What is your favorite way to exercise?
Lifting my dumb-bells and doing push-ups. I also play football(soccer) when I can.
11. What is your favorite restaurant?
I really don't have one; I'm more of a stay-at-home eater.
My nominees for the Liebster Blog Award are:
1. Mazi Omenuko: http://maziomenuko.blogspot.com/
2. Bekkie Sanchez: http://bekkieswonderland.blogspot.com/
3. Jawaad Saleem: http://ablogwithoutanswers.blogspot.co.uk/
4. Frank Sayre: http://brotherhoodeternal.com/
5. Robert Price: http://fromacloggedmind.wordpress.com/
11 Questions for my nominees!
1. What inspires you most about writing?
2. What do you love most about your spouse?
3. What is your favorite sport?
4. Why do you write?
5. If you could do anything over again, what would it be?
6. Do you like snakes? If yes, why?
7. Do you have a nasty habit? What is it?
8. In your quiet time, what would you be caught doing?
9. How many kids do you have? If none, how many do you plan to?
10. Music or Movies, which gives you the best satisfaction?
11. What would you consider a romantic gift or gesture?
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