Saturday, July 27, 2013

And Then There Was Us

No one in their right minds ever admits to wrong-doing, in fact those who have been clinically and medically proven to be out of their right minds still refuse to admit to wrong-doing. Psych wards are filled with people who believe they’re not meant to be there, prison cells are packed full of convicts claiming innocence, and the rest of the sane world is complete with people who believe in their ideals and are ready to compel others into believing them as well. Understandably, what I am referring to here has nothing to do with structure, standards and guidelines (or laws); these actually keep the world order in check. My reference centers completely on the area of personal convictions.

I love to point out a statement made by a Google plus friend of mine whom I respect for his constructive critique and writing pointers for me – He had this to say about truth and opinion (not in his exact words): “opinions are strictly individualistic, they are subject to the level of knowledge available to whomever offers it and at that specific is also believed to be the truth as they know it. However, truth is not exact; it is shaped by what we see around us, it is sometimes a product of the lies we tell ourselves on how things should be (which might really not be the exact way these things should be in the natural sense of it).” In other words, absolute truth in opinion is never 100% exact in authenticity. No one person, and I mean none whatsoever, should completely regard his or her personal ideal, belief or opinion as sacred and universal. That said, herein lies a problem – we have for sake of not being classified as being selfish in our opinions, opted to give credence to the known and widely accepted ideals of a recognized larger force or system. Some of these larger systems include: Religion, Tradition, Ethics, and cults (remember, a cult here is any group with laid down guidelines and/or code of conducts designed to unite its members in purpose).

My parents have this prayer they offer anytime we have a family gathering, I never told them but I love it. It goes something like this: “Father in heaven, make our children and family come to know you personally. Not by what they hear the pastors preach, but by their own personal convictions impacted in them by the Holy Spirit.” Yeah, I sound a big Amen anytime I hear such prayers.

"I never try to change anyone or try to make them feel bad for doing what they do. I just offer them my opinions along with the pros and cons associated with doing what they do, and thereafter hope to heaven they are sensible enough to choose wisely, Joe Dennis Imiewanlan."

Have you ever wondered why you hate someone or anyone at all? I mean have you wondered if it is ever in one’s best interest to hate. Okay, maybe I should rephrase that question. Why do you think people hate? Well, let me answer this and then you can draw up your own conclusions:
Humans feel the involuntary need to have some degree of control over certain situations, this has nothing to do with being domineering or being a control freak. We don’t just like the feeling of helplessness. When someone becomes irritating or just plain disgusting to us, we become upset and in that moment, it is as if we are not in control of this feeling, and we can’t help it. To give ourselves some degree of satisfaction or control, we fight back. Some people go straight up and say exactly how they feel, but most people get angry, and in retaliation, develop some form of hatred. This hatred is actually unknowingly to us, a subtle and secret need for the other person to feel bad. Yes I said so! Most of the time, we want the other person to notice our hatred for them and subsequently feel bad for it, otherwise, I don’t see why we would care to hate anyone if we really didn’t want them to know that we did in the first instance. That just defeats the purpose, doesn't it? Plus there is the possibility that this person might not care about what we feel, so why bother.
As a young man, I know that the only people I’m probably going to successfully pass on my ideals, opinions, convictions, and insinuations, without them feeling minutely skeptical or doubting to any degree, will be my own (future) kids; and this will only be binding until that stage when they begin to develop their own intuition, ideas or opinions about the world as they see it.

Like previously stated, everything read in this article is the truth of opinion as I see it with the level of information and knowledge available to me at this point in my life, LoL. Some will concur, others will refute, and that's just the point.

Have a nice weekend you all...

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